Friday, December 25, 2009

I love you baby <3

As I opened my christmas gifts this morning (and last night for yall that know me) i realized that I love my horse more than anything. Almost all of my gifts were for that big hairy animal and thats what I wanted. Sassy is my everything. Shes my whole life, my whole world, the pop to my tart, the gun to my holster, and any other weird saying you can think of!;) I love my sweets to death and I hope even when I move on from her she can stay with me as a lesiure horse. When we first came together about a year ago I never thought I would feel this way about her. She just wasnt a horse that was very "lovable", but now.. gosh now,, I can safley say we are together. When I go to visit her she comes, when shes on the crossties we can stand for hours on end and blow into eachothers nostrils. I can stand there forever with her big old head on my shoulder and I dont want it another way. Yea sure she acts up sometimes (*cough cough feild the other day Sassy!*) but I can very easily forgive her for those things because well, she my baby, my sweets, my missy, and all the other little gay names I give her! I love you Sassy and I hope you be in my life forever, we made it this far, aint nothin gonna stop us now!!


Sunday, December 13, 2009

wow,, some news

WOOOOW have I got some news for yall! So much has happened since the last time I made a post. First of all I am no longer riding with Holly. There are multiple reasons and I will not discuss them on here. Second, obviously I didnt go to Clemson but that is deffintally okay cause 1, it was suppose to snow up there this weekend and it would have been cold as bajesus, 2, I had three projects I had to do this weekend and there would have been no way I wold have been able to get them done and 3, The people that usually show with Holly were not showing with her that time so I dont thin it would have been that fun. Third, I am not getting much riding time! >:( it has done nothing but rain rain rain and its pissing me off!! I have rode twice in two weeks and one of those times was a trail ride. Sassy is getting fat and losing muscle and so am I!:P We really need to get back to work so if it could stop raining for a little I would greatly appreciate it!!! Fourth, we are clearing land! Yes we are back to work on clearing my daddy's land. The man who was suppose to clear it for us is avoiding contact with my dad so we are back to clearing it by hand. A tree here, a tree there, and fires hopefully a couple times a week we can get it done soooon! I cant wait till it is cleared and Sassy is out there! well thats about it but I will update yall on the rest of the year and how it goes soon! see ya


Thursday, December 3, 2009

New things

So I have some new news to report! First of all is the show next weekend :D I am going up to Clemson next weekend for our second show together! We will probably be hauling Sassy up there by ourselves then meeting Holly for the whole kit and kaboodle of the show... I think I am doing a 2' and 2'3 hunters, probably a flat class or two, the low gamblers choice jumpers, and I wanna run barrels on Sassy!:) She was originally trained as a western horse and has some nice turns on her so I wanna see how well were gonna do in that department. I hope it'll be just as fun as in the summer! As for other news thats actually about it,, I have still been riding Sassy at least three to four times a week but I havent much time to ride Sierra as much as I would like to :( but hopefully this sunday me and my dad are gonna take them on a trail ride. My dad on Sierra and me on missy Sassy. It'll be funnn! See yall!!
