Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sassy update

yea so i am really bored and sick right now so I will give yall an update on Sassy! Lately we have been working on Sassy's head and MY position. Sassy's head is getting better and she seems to be enjoying her ride more. We all know i had to fix my position because I have a bad habit of Half Seat but it is dramatic. I learned from Deyonna why that is bad. it puts a lot of weight on Sassy's front end which is bad for her legs and it makes her strides short and choppy. if i sit back, especially at the trot, her strides are longer and oh so much prettier! It is very difficult for me to break that habit because I have always rode like that but I am working on it!! Also Sassy is getting A LOT calmer and laid back. She used to be so spaztic about everything and was somewhat hard to control when we rode. but now Sassy is very good! she will let me do just about anything to her, like, standing on her back, riding backwards, and ride with just a halter and leadrope. I haven't jumped her in about a month due to her training but I hope she is just as calm jumping as she is on the flat, she used to get very excited jumping! Along with her head I have been working on Sassy's flying lead changes. She is excellent about them going from the right lead to the left but she can get a bit difficult about going from left lead to right. OH well, she will get it eventually!! More updates coming soon!! :)



Anonymous said...

Bailey.... do you really stand on her back????

Bailey said...

heck yes!! just stands there too!

Bailey said...

whoops! i ment to say SHE just stands there too!