Well me and Sassy had a great first show and it deffintaly wont be out last! We left friday morning for Clemson and that first trip did pretty well. We did have a flat tire on one of the trailers but not Sassys trailer! We actually had to unload Em, Jessie, and Pickles in the gas station parking lot! It was hectic but we finally made it to Clemson! We gave the ponies their dinner and after they ate we tacked up and schooled. I'll tell you one thing. Me and Sassy made a complete fool out of ourselves when we schooled that night. Sassy had never been ridden in a covered arena and everything in it was spooking her! I also think the smell of the red clay bothered her cause she kept smelling the groud and was like, "OMG! whats this stuff????" haha. But the thing that supprised me was how slow she was at the show!! AT home (especially when we jump) she is like... bookin it around the ring but at the show I had to use a crop and we still looked like idiots!! haha. She also isnt used to fillers in jumps so she refused and hesitated A LOT! But thats okay! It gives me something to work on! So then Saturday came up and it was time to rock and roll! We kick started the day with the gournd rails divsison and we got a fourth in the Hunter part and a thrid in the equitation part! I was thrilled (even if it was ground rails... haha :)! Then we went into some flat classes and we got a second and third. Last but not least was X rails and we got a third in the equitation portion! I was sooooo happy!! I put Sassy away and at the end on the show HOlly asked me if I wanted to compete in the low gamblers choice jumpers and of course I said yes!! The jumps were 2' - 2'3 and we got a sixth in that class! We almost got fifth but Sassy refused one on the fences. Thats okay with me though!! Now that we are home we are jumping 2' and 2'3 a lot and we are working our way up to 2'6! We tried it the other day but she kept just barely tapping it with her hooves. Shes gotta pick up those front legs! haha. Another thing we did now that we are home is jump our first oxer !!it wasnt very high but we made it with ease! Sassy's first oxer will not be the last! :) IF KATIE DRUMMOND IS READING THIS WILL YOU PLEASE COMMENT ON IT SO I CAN GET YOUR BLOG??? I TOTALLY LOST IT BEFORE :P :):):):):)Bailey
Hey Ya'll! :) my name is Bailey and i am 14 years old. I ride at Blackberry Farm and i own an amazing seven year old QH cross named Sassy. she is green but very willing to learn and i am just as willing to teach her!! we are training for hunters but hope to do some small jumper shows also! drop in often!
Bailey.... you and Sassy looked awesome at the show. Congrats on all of your ribbons.
Thanks so much Janet! Sydney, Carly, Haley and Sara did so well too! It was a great show! :)
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