Saturday, February 21, 2009


so lately a lot has been going on. i will give the update on everyone. First off me!! Sassy has been doing well. she pulled a muscle in her front leg so she had about a week off and when i got on her again she didn't want to jump. she was refusing even the tinyest fence. with the help of the lovely jenn we got her jumping two feet with no refusals!! i took her on a trail ride with Sara today and she did well excpt for her usual competitveness. next... Sara and Badger! Sara has been working with Badger on his jumper training and dressage. he has been giving turns to Sara that are absolutly AMAZING!! and his extended trot is getting better too. and now for Carly & sydney! they have been doing great in their lessons and even trotting ground poles! way to go guys! everyone else is doing great too. we are also making some changes to the barn. today whit powerwashed the steel girders in the pasture and we hope to get the barn powerwashed and re-painted soon! and in case you don't know already we have a new barn member! Nicole A. has come and is riding tuff! already he is looking ten times better! good job nicole!!


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