Monday, December 22, 2008


Just an update! all has been going well dow at J & B right now. Sara and Badger have been working on their dressage... extended trot, flying changes on strait streches of the ring, ect. Denise has been riding Jp and doing great!! jumping like a pro Denise! Gia has been working on bounces and other jumping things with Jp. Carly and Sydney are working on their weekly lessons and are improving greatly! almost ready to canter guys!! and me... well, Sassy and I (put my first payment for her down today!) have been working on just about everything! we have to get her head down cause i want to do hunters so i'm going to try a martingale on her soon. she is also becoming more confident in her jumping and is learning to do her flying lead changes so much more smooth and slow. I can't wait till she is completly mine and i can give her a haircut!!

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